Stroke Association

Birmingham and Solihull - Stroke Recovery Service

About this service

Our Stroke Recovery Service will work with you to identify your personal support needs and priorities. A coordinator will contact you to organise a phone call and/or home visit to find out how you’re managing with daily activities, and any additional support you may require. Our service can offer you opportunities to rebuild confidence and independence, and help you to rebuild your life after stroke.


Who is this service for?

This service is for stroke survivors, and families and carers of people affected by stroke.


What this service offers:

  • Coordinated support throughout your stroke journey
  • Home visits and/or regular telephone calls
  • Emotional support
  • Tailored information
  • Assistance with accessing community-based support
  • Support for carers and family members
  • Signposting to other relevant organisations.


Birmingham and Solihull - Stroke Recovery Service | Stroke Association



Below is also a link and reference to local stroke groups in the Solihull (and surrounding) area..

Solihull Stroke Club


We meet once a week on Wednesdays (except for Bank Holiday weeks) from 09.00 - 13.30 p.m. Stroke survivors are welcome and preferably live within the Solihull boundary.

During our session we play games, chat amongst ourselves, do some exercises, occasionally listen to a speaker, play bingo, hold quizzes weekly, have sing-a-longs and organise an annual day out.

We serve coffee/tea and biscuits on arrival and have a meal at lunchtime


Solihull Stroke Survivors


The Solihull Stroke Survivors is a friendly and welcoming group of volunteers and members.

Our support group aims to give friendship and support in a happy and relaxed environment. Many varied activities are enjoyed and no one is pressured if they prefer not to join in.

Members and volunteers become good friends and support each other in a lovely environment.


East Birmingham Stroke Club


We support stroke survivors through social activities and mental wellbeing.

Stroke survivors and their carers are welcome.


Arts, Social, Sport and exercise


Support groups in your area | Stroke Association